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Zapzilla is the nickname of the Teletext browser built into Zapping. Here's a quick overview of its features:


If you're not utterly impressed by now, here are the carefully crafted screenshots you've been waiting for. Note they were taken from version 0.6. The user interface changed completely in the meantime and I'm too busy to update this page. Donations welcome.

OK, many things:

There are three Teletext windows here, one of them is the Zapping main window acting as a Teletext viewer. You can see the graphics in the page. Note the arbitrary scaling, each Teletext page has a different size. The open dialog lets you export a page to the previously mentioned formats, here to an HTML page.


Apparently nothing special here, just Galeon and Zapzilla... until your neuronal network sees the pattern: "Perhaps the URL in Galeon has been opened by clicking on the link that appears in the Teletext page?". You are completely right, so I don't need to explain anything. I will just tell that email adresses and page numbers are clickable too. The cryptic message in the bottom row is part of the TOP navigation, also hyperlinks.


Zapzilla supports searching for regular expressions in the page memory. I gave the #email# pattern to search for, the highlight text is the second match. The window in the back is the help window that appears when you click the "Help" button. And in case you are wondering, "#email#" isn't a regular expression, it's just a convenient alias I added that expands into one horrific expression like "([:alnum:]|[-~.]+@([:alnum:]|[-~.])+)". Basically it matches email adresses. Similarly you can use the "#url#" alias to match WWW addresses.


This isn't properly Zapzilla, but the subtitle overlay built into Zapping in concert with the Closed Caption decoder built into libzvbi. Teletext subtitles are supported in the same way.