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Welcome to ze exotic world of undersea explorer Jacques Zappseau. The first species we examine today is the common video window. As its prehistoric ancestors it still features a channel, video input and video standard menu in the toolbar, but we also got a more complete menu bar, which instantly attracted bathtub mermaid Alyssa Milano.


The controls window changed dramatically. It now has a mute button and audio menu. What about a volume control? Well, recent advances in commercial sound compression render volume controls useless anyway.


Preferences No animals were harmed during the explosion of the preferences dialog. We see the device info page here, with lots of new, but entirely irrelevant, information about the video device.


The plugin properties dialog. Its purpose is to - you guessed it - list the available plugins and their properties. Beyond that it does nothing useful I am aware of. The plugin shown here serves as template to write real plugins, with tremendous lack of success.


Channel Editor, yadda yadda yadda.


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